So first off. These skins are from GLAM! Skins & Shapes, a kinda-sorta new-ish store in SL.
The designer, Annette Cyberstar, is trying to get out there more, so when her manager came to me and asked me if I would help, I was more than honored to be asked, since 1. I'm a skin whore and 2. I'm always happy to get the word out about up-and-coming stores in SL!

Thank you Annette for giving me the opportunity to blog these incredible skins, and thank you to everyone who reads this blog! Help get the word out about this store! :)
And a song, I thought it kinda fit the post *giggles*
Other details:
Eyes: L.Fauna Charm Eyes [Teal 2]
Hair: fri. - Kate - Moody Brown
Pose: au soleil. cried a river and drowned the whole world
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