Also, my necklace and shoes are available at the Shoe Fair, so if you haven't been yet goooo!!

And, I'm in love with this hair. It's so soft and pretty, and reminds me of the hairstyle Drew Barrymore had in Ever After throughout pretty much the whole movie.

These skins are GORGEOUS!! She let me pick two skins to review, and I love them both!! So again, thank you Michi!

And a song for you:
Skin: [FC] Christina M11 and [FC] Aevana Light M2
Eyes: L.Fauna Charm Eyes [Teal 2]
Hair: TRUTH Trinity - Chocolate (Dark Browns pack)
Necklace: [W&B] Love is a Deserter Necklace REDEMPTION
Outfit: Armidi {Gisaci} Cambridge - Aufren White wBlack
Tights: *Sheer* Tights 17: Leaves Black
Shoes: [SC] Surf Couture - Nantucket Spectators - Red
Poses: porcupine love be your babygirl., these lips?, and if i give you sugar. and Real Living Reading Corner sit 6
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