I love this swimsuit! The texture is so pretty, and it has a sort of vintage-y feel to it, and it's not too revealing, which is a nice change. And this is totally something I would wear in RL!

I wanted to put some accessories with it too, but didn't find any jewelry that fit the feel of it, so I went with these two adorable hair flowers! They're almost tropical looking to me, which really goes with the sim I took my pictures in.

I went to the Artilleri sim, which the store Artilleri is on, and I walked around a little and found a beach on the edge of the sim! I was pleasantly surprised since I'd never been beyond the store itself. Now I'm glad I had a look around!

Skin: [ROCKBERRY] Uma A Natural
Eyes: Poetic Colors Shallow Water
Hair: TRUTH Tia - java (Dark browns pack)
Flowers: AtomicBambi Hair Corsage - Rio (Special from last year's birthday sale event on the Juicy sim)
and Astral Blossom Lotus Hairflower - Pink (Old DSN Item)
Swimsuit: *GF* Classic Swimwear -strawberry- (Subscriber gift)
Shoes: *H&S* (Heart & Sole) GOGO PINK egg hunt (Special from this year's Easter Egg Madness Hunt)
Poses: porcupine love i do listen., stop me from leaving., and don't need my help.
Sim: artilleri
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